What is Best Bets? How to Utilize the Search Functions for Non-Rev Travel.

Best Bets

In non-rev travel, a best bets search is an option employees can use to find destinations with many seats available. In one of my earlier blog posts about flexibility in travel, this is a crucial function to utilize on airline employee benefits.

As a spouse, I do not have access to the employee portal. If I have a free weekend and nothing in particular planned, I ask my husband to do a best bets search to determine a destination. In this search, he is able to adjust filters based on which airport I would like to fly out of and what date I would like to leave. The function is available one week prior to your chosen date. There are options to see one way or round trip as well.

Travel Best Bets

Travel Best Bets to Portland, ME

I have recently taken two trips using best bets. On the first trip this fall, I wanted to do a quick day trip somewhere new. My husband cued in the search filters, and a place I had been previously interested in popped up on the list. Portland, Maine, was wide open. I embarked on a journey to Maine with the goal of enjoying fresh lobster. The planes had plenty of extra seats in both directions. I had roughly two and a half hours in Portland. In addition to a luxurious lunch, a few strangers pointed me to a kitchen store across the street from the restaurant. I found a trivet, a nice turn of events as I had just broken one the week prior. I always enjoy meeting someone new on a trip. Traveling solo can be a great way to strike up a conversation. I strolled around Old Port, seeing the seagulls and smelling the salt off of the ocean. Before I knew it, it was time to fly home!


Visiting Home

My second best bets trip was to see my parents. I had wanted to go home and help my parents with a project this fall. When my husband checked best bets, the airport in question popped up! With between 70-100 seats open on each leg of the trip, it seemed like a no-brainer. I went home to work for the weekend and reaped the rewards of my hard work with a first-class flight on the way home. It is tough to get upgrades flying domestically, as revenue passengers with status get upgraded. Picking the plane with the most open seats can give you better odds.

Best Bets is a crucial function for employee travel. It helps with the flexibility needed to be a non-rev traveler. It makes me feel like I am on an episode of “Yes Theory” when I take a best bets trip. My location is pre-determined, and I just say yes and go.

2 responses to “What is Best Bets? How to Utilize the Search Functions for Non-Rev Travel.”

  1. Where do I find best bets? Is it an app?

    1. It is in the employee travel planner portal.

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